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Ahadov Feruzbek Vafo oʻgʻli


Abstract: This article explores the current problems faced in modern science and education. It highlights various challenges and areas of concern, including gender and diversity issues, science communication, open science and open access, teacher training and professional development, global collaboration and knowledge sharing, curriculum relevance and future skills, research reproducibility and replicability, science policy and evidence-based decision making, lifelong learning for educators, and the ethical use of technology. Additionally, it addresses education inequality, student engagement and motivation, science and society engagement, mental health support, data management and analysis, global collaboration and mobility, assessment and evaluation, integration of arts and humanities, career pathways and transitions, science for sustainable development, science funding models, teacher retention and job satisfaction, STEAM education, science ethics and responsible conduct, education for sustainable development, access to scientific information, digital divide, STEM gender gap, science education for critical thinking, and science education for global citizenship. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, we can work towards creating a more inclusive, equitable, and effective scientific and educational landscape.

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How to Cite
Ahadov Feruzbek Vafo oʻgʻli. (2024). ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION. World Scientific Research Journal, 24(1), 6–14. Retrieved from


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