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Akhmedova S.M.
Sagdullaeva M.K.
Ergashev S.T.
Markabaeva G.D.


Annotation. For the clinical part of the study, the results of the examination of 140 women with thyroid gland pathology and 80 healthy pregnant women, and for the experimental part of the study, the results of the morphological and morphometric examination of the brains of 222 rat children were obtained. In different periods of pregnancy, the main anatomical structures of the brain of the fetus, the width of the cavity of the clear membrane, the depth of the sylviev's egate, the width of the lateral ventricles, the length of the package-like body in the 2nd screening period of pregnancy, and the transverse diameter of the cerebellum in the 3rd screening period were found to grow rapidly; Based on the obtained data, new regional percentiles were developed based on the study of the growth dynamics of anatomical indicators of the fetal brain.

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How to Cite
Akhmedova S.M., Sagdullaeva M.K., Ergashev S.T., & Markabaeva G.D. (2024). MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF BRAIN STRUCTURES IN THYROID HORMONE DEFICIENCY. World Scientific Research Journal, 24(1), 144–154. Retrieved from


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