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Xoljigitov Xushnud Toshtemir o’g’li
Zarnigor Asadova Ilyos qizi
Rayxon Kamalova Sobirjon qizi


Purpose - to evaluate the results of complex treatment of primary open-angle
glaucoma. We observed 61 patients (61 eyes).The patients were divided into 2 groups
depending on the treatment. Group 1 patients (31 patients, 31 eyes) underwent complex
treatment (surgical, drug, physiotherapy). Surgical treatment consisted of
sinustrabeculectomy and posterior trepanation of the sclera, medication —
subconjunctival inection of Emoxipin 10 mg, 0.5 ml for 10 days, and physiotherapy —
laser stimulation of the optic nerve. The control group consisted of 30 patients (30 eyes)
who underwent sinustrabeculectomy. The results of complex treatment of patients of
the 1st group showed improvement of visual functions and stabilization of the
glaucomatous process after 1 year in 87% of cases, while in patients of the 2nd group
- in 68% of cases.

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How to Cite
Xoljigitov Xushnud Toshtemir o’g’li, Zarnigor Asadova Ilyos qizi, & Rayxon Kamalova Sobirjon qizi. (2024). GLAUCOMA DISEASE CLINICAL VIEW AND TREATMENT METHODS . World Scientific Research Journal, 23(1), 164–166. Retrieved from



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