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Xoljigitov Xushnud Toshtemir o’g’li
Zarnigor Asadova Ilyos qizi
Rayxon Kamalova Sobirjon qizi


To study the relationship between coronary artery disease and the level of lipid
profile in patients with coronary heart disease. Materials and methods. A retrospective
study of 75 patients with two or more injuries of the coronary arteries as a result of
inpatient coronary angiography in the SVKTTM in the period from 2019 to 2020 was
carried out. Results. An inverse relationship between the level of SLPL and the risk of
developing JIC has been identified and confirmed. There is a direct correlation between
ZYuLP and UXS, especially triglyceride and ZPLP levels. In the unfavorable group,
high levels of liver enzymes, especially ALT, were found, as well as a direct correlation
between AST and FPLP levels. AST is not uncommon in patients with ischemic heart
disease. A high inverse correlation has been found between WPLA levels and sugar
levels, especially glycated hemoglobin. Conclusion. A decrease in high-density
lipoprotein is a common factor in hospitalization and repeated coronary angiography.
AST is not uncommon in patients with ischemic heart disease.

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How to Cite
Xoljigitov Xushnud Toshtemir o’g’li, Zarnigor Asadova Ilyos qizi, & Rayxon Kamalova Sobirjon qizi. (2024). MECHANISM OF TRANSMISSION OF CORONARY HEART FAILURE . World Scientific Research Journal, 23(1), 161–163. Retrieved from


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