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Seifullaeva G.A
Karimova F.D
Khvan O.I
Dumanov Kh.K
Don A.N.


Annotation. The authors analyzed critical cases recorded in the Bukhara region
in 2018–2020. The first place among critical conditions in obstetrics in the Bukhara
region is occupied by bleeding due to emergency surgical delivery. The cause of
obstetric hemorrhage was disturbances in the contractile activity of the uterus, as well
as extragenital diseases and complications of pregnancy, accompanied by impaired
hemostasis. The main indication for emergency delivery was premature abruption of a
normally located placenta, or, as planned, a defective scar on the uterus after a cesarean
Isolation of the “near miss” condition into a separate group allows for a more in-
depth analysis and study of problems in the provision of medical care in obstetric
institutions, which in turn contributes to the prevention of maternal deaths.

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How to Cite
Seifullaeva G.A, Karimova F.D, Khvan O.I, Dumanov Kh.K, & Don A.N. (2024). ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL CASES IN OBSTETRIC PRACTICE . World Scientific Research Journal, 23(2), 133–140. Retrieved from



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