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Usmonova Sevara Sultonovna
Temirova Madinabonu Abrorjon qizi


Annotation: The article discusses the principles of teaching intercultural communication ethics in EFL classroom by improving a strong sense of cultural awareness and understanding of language learners. It emphasizes the importance of intercultural communication ethics during the lesson to make students more communicative in diverse cultural contexts. The author highlights the main difficulties of improving intercultural competence of language learners. To successfully implement intercultural teaching in the foreign language curriculum, the development of students' communication skills and cultural context in which the language is used are explored. The cultural background of language usage is emphasized, choosing culturally appropriate teaching styles, and exploring culturally-based linguistic differences are mentioned. Difficulties in balancing teaching English language skills with promoting intercultural understanding and eliminating misconceptions or prejudices are acknowledged. The article concludes by analizing the main problematic parts of cultural differences and giving options for overcoming difficulties in EFL classroom.

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How to Cite
Usmonova Sevara Sultonovna, & Temirova Madinabonu Abrorjon qizi. (2023). INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION ETHICS IN EFL CLASSROOM. World Scientific Research Journal, 21(1), 276–279. Retrieved from



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