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Odiljonov Umidjon


Abstract. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a rapidly growing field that revolutionizes the way we analyze and understand textual data. In this article, we delve into the transformative power of NLP, exploring the process of converting raw text data into a corpus of documents, effective methods for representing text, essential transformations to enhance data quality, summarization techniques using TF-IDF, and visualizations that unveil word frequencies. By leveraging NLP, we unlock a wealth of insights, patterns, and actionable information from vast amounts of text, enabling us to make informed decisions and extract meaningful knowledge from the ever-expanding world of language.

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How to Cite
Odiljonov Umidjon. (2023). UNLOCKING THE POWER OF NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (NLP) FOR TEXT ANALYSIS. World Scientific Research Journal, 17(1), 66–73. Retrieved from http://wsrjournal.com/index.php/wsrj/article/view/2765


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